Rules for the 500 Club
- The private lottery shall be known as the 500 Club and is run by the Association known as Lenzie Academy PTA, a sub-group of Lenzie Academy Parent Council. The 500 Club will operate under the Lotteries and Amusements Act 1976, Private Lotteries. The Promoter will be Mr Phil Reoch, c/o Lenzie Academy PTA, Upper Office, 8 Myrtle Avenue, Lenzie G66 4HR. The license is renewable on 1st January each year and it is the responsibility of the Promoter to renew same.
- The lottery will be called the 500 Club regardless of the number of chances sold.
- Application for membership shall be made in writing to the Association on the approved form. Successful applications will be informed in writing prior to the first request for payment.
- Membership is available to all members of the Parent Forum of Lenzie Academy, 8 Myrtle Ave, Lenzie G66 4HR, Lenzie Academy Staff, Former Pupils of Lenzie Academy and Friends of Lenzie Academy.
- The 500 Club year will run from 1st September to 31st August each year.
- Members must be at least 18 years of age at the date of application. Pupils on the school register during any part of the 500 Club year are not eligible for membership of the 500 Club.
- Members may terminate their membership at any time by giving written notice of to Lenzie Academy PTA.
- Members may elect to pay annually by cheque or standing order mandate or monthly by standing order mandate.
- Members electing to pay annually must do so by the 15th of the month in which payment is received to be eligible for that months’s draw. Members electing to pay monthly must do so by the 15th of each calendar month to be eligible for that months’s draw. Lenzie Academy PTA does not accept responsibility for payment not received by due dates.
- To be eligible for each draw members must have paid either the annual fee or the monthly payment. Members who have paid the annual fee will be deemed to be eligible for twelve consecutive draws in any relevant 500 Club year. Annual payment is £24.00 for each chance number allocated. Monthly payment is £2.00 for each chance number allocated.
- The 500 Club reserves the right to withdraw any number where the member has not paid by the due dates noted above. Refunds will not be made.
- The 500 Club will not accept responsibility for non receipt of payments.
- The 500 Club will allocate members a number which will serve as a chance in each of the lottery draws. Chance tickets will not be issued but members will be notified in writing of their allocated number(s). The promoter will allocate number(s) issued to the applicant and such number(s) are not transferable.
- A member may hold more than one chance up to a maximum of five chances in any one draw. The appropriate payment must be paid for each chance applied for.
- Committee members of Lenzie Academy PTA are not eligible for membership of the 500 Club and are excluded from any draw.
- There will be twelve prize draws in each year. The draws will be made in the presence of three people, drawn from the following groups; Lenzie Academy Parent Council, Lenzie Academy PTA and Lenzie Academy staff. Draws will take place no later than the 28th of each calendar month.
- 70% of income generated will be used by the 500 Club for the enhancement of the facilities and education of the pupils at Lenzie Academy. The remaining 30% will be used to fund two prizes each month. No single prize can exceed £1,000.
- A prize is not transferable and shall only be paid to the individual who purchased the winning chance.
- Winners will be paid by cheque sent to the last held address. It is the responsibility of members to notify a change of address. However, the 500 Club will make all reasonable endeavours to contact winners. Any prize cheque not cashed or prize winner not located within six months of issue will be deemed to be a donation to the 500 Club.
- Winners’ names and the amount donated to the school will be published at and will also be available on request from Lenzie Academy PTA.
- Members’ names and addresses held will not be used for any purpose other than the administration of the 500 Club and will not be passed on or sold to third parties.
- The decisions of the Association shall be considered to be final.
- The Association shall be responsible for the proper dissolution and termination of the 500 Club ensuring any residual funds are utilised for the enhancement of the facilities and education of Lenzie Academy pupils.