Frequently Asked Questions

What is the 500 Club?

The 500 Club is a fund-raising prize draw to be operated under the supervision of Lenzie Academy PTA. Of funds raised a minimum of 70% will be retained for the benefit of Lenzie Academy and the remaining 30% will be distributed in prizes throughout the year.

Who can join the 500 Club?

Membership is open to parents, carers, staff and friends of Lenzie Academy who are over 18 years of age. (Regardless of age, pupils attending the school in any given academic year are excluded.)

How do I join?

Complete an online application form. On successful application, members will be issued with a receipt indicating their allocated chance number(s) within the prize draw.

How much will it cost me?

Membership for the prize draw is £2.00 per month for each chance number allocated. For each draw members are restricted to purchasing a maximum of five chance numbers.

How will I pay?

Subscription to the 500 Club can be made either by one annual payment of £24.00 for each chance number allocated (made by cheque or standing order mandate) OR by monthly payments of £2.00 (by standing order mandate). Monthly payments must be received by the 15th of each calendar month in advance of the respective draw.

How many prizes will there be?

There will two prizes awarded each month.

How much can I win?

This will depend on the number of members participating in each draw. Each prize will be equivalent to 15% of the funds raised in the draw. No prize will exceed £1000.

When will the draw be made?

The prize draw will take place no later than the 28th of each month.

How will winners be notified?

Winning chance numbers will be published on and prize-winners’ will have cheques sent to their home address.