Health & Wellbeing sessions for S5/6 and S2 pupils. – Total spend £800
- £150 Materials for healthy eating
- £100 Sports instructor
- £100 Water for PE activity
- £250 Yoga instructor
- £100 Ingredients for smoothie bike & blenders
- £50 Art materials for art therapy
- £50 Materials for meditation/mindfulness
Bounce Back Day for S1 – Total spend £300
- Food order for Health Food Technology
- Sweets and toothpicks for Science
- Bouncy Men
- Laminated pouches for resources
Prizegiving Trophies – Total spend £900
- 3 additional trophies were purchased as the existing ones had no more room to engrave prizewinner names on.
Pupil contemplation area – Total donation £1000
- This is an outdoor area being designed with input from pupils and being built within the school for quiet reflection, contemplation and remembrance.